Article written by Katherin Jaen 7th grade
Much is at stake in the upcoming elections, control of the house of representatives, control of the senate and the most awaited edition : control of the presidency. Empire Posts took an oppotunity we were given very recently to visit and tour some of the buildings that run this country amidst the upcoming election cycle. While in Washington DC area we got the opportunity to pay a visit to Arlington Cementery where we got a reminder of how much our men and women in the armed forces do for us all throughout different time periods all to secure the safety of the union. We also got to see up close the final resting place of 3 Kennedy brothers which included John, Robert and Ted Kennedy and the final resting place of former President William Howard Taft. We also got a look at the famous changing of the guards at the tomb of the unknown soldier. A day later Empire Posts were able to get a tour of the U.S Capitol Building through a congressman’s internal office. The tour led us through the capitol rotunda, the old senate floor, and a limited but clear view of the current house and senate floor where some of the most significant legislation has been passed, the true heart of the country and decision maker in terms of economic, crime and educational issues among many others. An outside view of the department of education gave Empire Posts a glimpse of the building where America’s educational system is run. Returning to the intial theme of this article, with the elections coming up a visit to the capitol city reminded us of all of what was at stake this election, control of the legislative and executive branch and indirectly control of these smaller yet equally significanr departments that make up the president’s cabinet, Empire Posts will be there to cover the elections every step of the way. BELOW ARE PHOTOS EXCLUSIVELY TAKEN BY EMPIRE POSTS IN AREAS WE WERE ALLOWED TO PHOTOGRAPH